Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Noise is unwanted disturbing sound and it is normally loud, continuous and irritating. Long exposure to loud noise will lead to deafness or reduced sensitivity to sound. In our house noise may be caused by drilling, hammering, yelling and screaming, loud music or musical instruments and even household electrical appliance such as ceiling fans, refrigerators, fruit juicers and lighting ssytems. Outside of our house besides the neighbor breaking down a wall or drilling during the renovation, noise may be caused by continuous vehicle passing by our house. Noise pollution is especially bad if our house is situated just along a highway or expressay or a busy road. This type of noise is generated by the engines of passing vehicle and tyre rubbing on the pavement or road surface. In an industrial environment noise are normally caused by engines, motors, compressors, drills, jack hammers, electrical transformers, generators and heavy moving machinery.

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